In these unprecedented times of lockdown and traveling viruses, have you found yourself now homeschooling for the first time and don’t know what to do as far as content or curriculum to teach your children? I have a unit study curriculum that covers grammar, spelling, vocabulary, mapwork, history, opinion, research, and more, and I am offering it FREE until the end of April, 2020, as a digital download, so you can have something to work on. The entire study can be covered in 12-16 weeks taking about 1.5 hours a day, but you could certainly could do it quicker if you have more time available.
You WILL NEED to buy the book, Abraham Lincoln’s World by Genevieve Foster to use it. (Available from the publisher for $17.95 at present. ), and it would be easier to print the student workbook, though you could probably use it as a textbook and have the children write their answers in a notebook.
Also, having a world atlas or globe would be helpful, though you can probably use the Internet for the mapwork if you don’t have any of those.
Two things I ask in return:
1) Please don’t share it outside your home. If you know of others who would like it, simply have them email me and I will send it to them.
2) Please give me feedback as you make your way through it or complete it. I hope to publish it, and so your input is invaluable. For your copy, email me at:
Start Somewhere. You never know where it may lead you!