Audio Books. An Invaluable Item…

Audio Books. An Invaluable Item... Audio Books… I can’t emphasize enough the great wonder and value of audio books. If you’re in the car for more...

Newbery Books

Newbery award books - best children's books of the year. Award-winning books can be a great resource, and new Newbery Books turn up annually, and...

Using Multi-media

Using multimedia in your curriculum. I’ve said a fair amount about the growing audio-visual medium, so it makes sense that I should write about using...

Caldecott Books

Caldecott Awards are given to the illustrators of children's books. One of the greatest gems of a book I read to the children was a...

Reading. Why bother?

In our modern world... Reading. Why bother? In this modern time when things are turning increasingly to audiovisual, why bother reading? Is there any good...