You don't have to have a farm to be able to enjoy the fresh and in-season fruits of the ground. Even with a small space,...
Category: Sciences
Science is everywhere. Our job is to make science accessible to our children so that they may know and apply its methods and learn its many valuable lessons.

Growing Things Part I – Planting
Learning where food comes from is an important part of educating children. I remember when I lived in London, a prominent political person in South...
Fishing in Ocean City
Homeschooling. What does that mean to you? Perhaps you know someone who homeschools. Or perhaps you have simply heard the term. Or perhaps you are...
Hands-on Science
It might surprise folks that as a Cornell University graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering, I had little to no practical, hands-on science experience...
Science Made Easy
Teaching science to your child can be a daunting topic if you weren't a science fan yourself, but there are so many fun and easy...