Rainbow Cakes

Rainbow Cakes

If you know children, or if you remember your own childhood, you are probably aware that children love to eat baked goods.  Well, duh!  😉  Because of this they love to be in the kitchen during the baking prep work and this is a great opportunity for teaching.  I did not know this was an opportunity for learning until I was wrapped up in the process.

Baking with my daughter has proven to be one of my favorite things to do over the past few years because of the opportunity to teach her.  To start with, she learned about the cost of baked goods, measurements, fractions, cooking time, how to set the temperature on the oven, what apparatus to use for cooking (including oven gloves), and more.

The added bonus?  She got to EAT fractions and measurements and share them with others as she learned.  

Neither she, nor I, had any idea at the time of how much she was learning.  It turned out to be quite delicious!

Enjoy the pictures and try this yourselves!

By Sue Eutsler